Honey Butter

My previous post is one of my new favorite breads.  It may be my favorite bread based on how completely divine it is with a schmear of this butter on it.  So tasty in fact, that a piece of bread has yet to survive long enough to be photographed while schmeared with this tasty delight!

Making homemade butters is becoming a new thing I love.  I have a few more recipes to share soon, but will start with this one.  It is stupidly simple to make, which is even better.

3 ingredients…that is it!
Honey, Softened Butter, and Salt

Put them all in a mixing bowl…

And then mix well with a hand mixer until they are well combined. Doesn’t this look delicious?

Honey Butter

Ingredients :
½ cup (approx. 115 grams, softened)
1 tablespoon honey
¼ teaspoon sea salt

Instructions :
Add all ingredients to a mixing bowl and whip until well combined with a hand mixer. Enjoy!

Source : slightly adapted from Cookie Monster Cooking

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